Tuesday, 12 July 2011


New entry!

work in progress...


Literally, i have been trying to update my blog for the past two weeks...first my laptop was not working and then my camera started to act dodgy! anyways here i am again, and as i'm writing this i'm praying that this time this will get posted.
i have been working mad hours and hopefully by the end of summer i will be able to get a mac notebook AHHHHHHHHHHH! i am so excited...besides that, my mum has been shouting at me asking me to sort out my shoes (just the ones in my room, didn't even bother with the ones in the shoes' room), well i FINALLY have, even though my room still looks trash..but hey i'll sort it out one day...i have so many shoes, it is a joke and it's funny how i only wear the same 10 pairs..
talking about shoes i just ordered a pair of studded flats from Topshop, which were only £28 ..BARGAIN!!!

1 comment:

  1. like that new entry indeed..wedges <3

