Wednesday, 16 November 2011

15 minutes


It's nearly 1:00am , 'We found Love' by Rihanna has been on reply for a couple of hours and I'm wild awake doing Uni work.. ahhhhh! I'm sooo stressed out!
I'm half way through but, as i get one of the tasks done, i find out some more information and i have to go back to rephrase or even re do something!

I've been at home for the whole day today. I'm always indoors on Wednesdays and i love it because i just hang around this massive house in Kent in my Pyjamas.
I'm a lazy girl, if you hadn't noticed :)

Anyway, I'm on my 15 minutes break- hence the title of this post- ( i always give myself breaks when doing work for a quick fag and a cup of green tea) so i thought " why not upload something on my blog" and yes i have done it..
The pictures below were taken with my Macbook because i left my camera in London last week (I'm not vain, but i love taking pictures, even though I'm not photogenic. Ahaha !)
Bye for now.

Keep smiling

Jacket: H&M
Shorts: New Look
Vest: Primark

Monday, 7 November 2011

Life update

Hey everyone!
I'm so ashamed for not updating my blog for so long..
WELL WELL WELL I'm finally 20 and I'm at Uni ,as well, studying Fashion Promotion!
I moved out from London to Kent, although I'm in London every weekend for work and a bit of shopping here and then.
I really enjoy the course, I'm learning so much everyday... Even though, it is already stressful.
I got my results from my first project today and I've passed with a C grade.. I KNOW I KNOW i can do better than that but I'm still happy!
Now, I have to focus on my second project and there's so much to do ! It is about investigating and finding different meanings of a certain word. I chose the word 'UGLY' because there's so much to talk about as certain things that are in fashion could be seen as ugly by the society in a normal, everyday context ! How interesting is that? TOO EXCITING!

Anyway, this post was to let you know that I am still alive ! I will update, you guys, more often as soon as I can and i will also post some pictures as soon as i find the USB for my camera.. my room is so messy, i can't find anything around here.

P.S I finally bought my Macbook Pro in September.. it's Amazing !

Styled image inspired by Balmain
part of my last project
Keep smiling